Press ready PDF
With fonts embedded, for best results high resolution 300dpi.
Fonts converted to outlines and supplied as AI or EPS files. Or output ‘Press Ready’ PDF from Illustrator.
Layers flattened, at least 300 dpi, JPEG, PDF or Tiff. Remember to include 3mm bleed. PSD files can be supplied but save your unflattened PSD file as a PDF to maintain non-rasterised fonts.
Fonts converted to outlines. Save as a ‘Package’ and zip the fonts, images and inDesign file in one file. Or output ‘Press Ready’ PDF from inDesign.
One of the most important elements in artwork for printing! Please ensure there is 3mm bleed all round the PDF, i.e. save the PDF with 6mm added to each measurement (i.e. for A4 usually 210mm x 297mm, save as 216mm x 303mm). Crop marks may be included if you wish. If your artwork is supplied without bleed we may not always be able to add it on for you and you may have to amend and re-supply the artwork. “Bleed” is a printing term which refers to the extra colour that extends beyond the edges of the final document to be trimmed off later. This helps avoid inconsistencies and visible registration errors.
All colours must be CMYK mode (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black) not RGB mode. This includes any fonts, graphics or images used within the document/s.
Providing a quick A4 print out of your job showing graphics, text and colours is recommended. If you require your job to be printed with specific colours, please provide samples of the colours and we will match these as close as possible.
All fonts used in the artwork must be converted to curves/outlines before exporting the file for printing.
Always include all linked files, especially when designing in InDesign. PDF files do not require compression.
Files can be emailed to: cs@printcentral.com.auWe have imposed a limit of 10Mb for incoming files to reduce congestion. Check with your ISP to ensure you have a comparable limit.
Larger files can be transferred to us via You Send It or Dropbox.
You will be notified by reply that your emailed files have been received. If you are not notified, please contact us as there may have been a transmitting error.

Here are some basic rules & tips that will help avoid any potential problems or hiccups that may occur with your print job.